Are you ready??!


Hi, everybody!

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we cannot enjoy our game like we should, around a cup of tea / coffee and / or something to eat and friends.

But to help us teach the game to our families as we wait out the end of the confinement I made some downloadable WoW TCG Reborn “Learn to Play” print and play starter decks that are available in both English and French!

Right now I’m only releasing a few, but I’ll finish up the rest of the classes and factions in the following weeks… Let’s GO! :)

Rule the world…


At first, let’s enjoy our new “Rulebook”!

This one simplifies the deep rules explanations and has a complete keyword glossary including “Into the Mists'“ mechanics.

For the moment, it’s only available in the French version here.

But we’ll keep you informed in the next week or two when we release the Shakespeare’s language version!

2 Be Free …


New rulebook, then, new starter decks!

At the very first time of EU Ladder’s discussions, we discussed the importance of recruiting new blood into the player base of our favorite game, and how we would need some dedicated & “low cost” material.

Since it’s quite impossible to find starter decks in France at a reasonable price, I offered the Reborn Team a part of my time to work on 30 card learn to play starter decks to demonstrate mechanics for newcomers.

At first, I planned to make it more for “newcomers”, ie. easy-to-play cards, simple mechanics, dedicated allies depending on faction / class / race of the Heroes…

But after few days thinking about it, I preferred to make these decks more… playable after the first game!

So I structured these 30 cards decks in such a way that you can just print them twice & convert them into a real 60 cards block constructed deck!


“Rattle that (Gim)lok”: ENG - FRA

Hero: Gimlok

Description: Aggressive decklist with an interesting curve and plenty of abilities to help against midrange decks.


“Menshu Lepaï”: ENG - FRA

Hero: Waterspeaker Menshu

Description: Elemental-based midrange deck with powerful late game allies.


“Ganyang style”: ENG - FRA

Hero: Royal Guardian Ganyang

Description: Two-handed dual wield based deck with powerful allies.

I hope these decklists will help old & new players alike get into the newer cards!

During the next weeks, I’ll publish the others each time I can on the EU Page.

Take care of yourselves, your families, and your communities in the coming days!


Ludovic aka Ann Onymmouse